A couple of years ago, I made a serious effort to lose
weight and get myself back in shape. My doctor prescribed
phentramine, a popular diet pill that I used successfully,
as evidenced by the picture on the home page. You cannot
see much of me in that picture, but you can see that I
am not overweight.
My doctor, Dr. Jones, is one of the most competent and
compassionate people I know. An athlete himself, he is
not a proponent of pills. He prescribed the phentramine
I asked for, but he warned me; he told me that losing
the weight was just the first part of the battle, and
he told me that I'd gain it right back if I did not change
my lifestyle. He urged me to adopt a long-term program
of diet and exercise.
Statistically, most people who try to lose weight in
this country fail miserably and that's not the worst of
it. Of those who do manage to get the pounds off, 98%
of them gain back more than they lost. I don't think any
doctor could have been more compelling and persuasive
than Dr. Jones was, but I didn't make the kind of lifestyle
changes that were necessary -- I joined that 98%.
When I read the Body-for-LIFE book, I felt like it was
written for me. The author, Bill Phillips, echoed the
sentiments first preached to me by Dr. Jones. The "Dead
Man Walking" series below is about my experience
with BfL.